A PROGRAMME which brings together local organisations to create cleaner, greener and safer communities has returned to the borough.

The 'Our Town' programme, now in its fourth year, is led by Wigan Council and will bring together blue light services, community groups and businesses to improve the local area.

Council teams delivering Our Town will visit every ward in the borough until next February and with activities, with the programme set to include intense deep cleans, clearing and investigating at fly-tipping hotspots, and waste amnesties so that residents can dispose of large items and waste easily and free of charge.

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Leigh Journal: The campaign was set up to clean streets and bring people together in safer communitiesThe campaign was set up to clean streets and bring people together in safer communities (Image: Wigan Council)
Councillor David Molyneux MBE, Leader of Wigan Council, said: “What makes Our Town different this year is a real focus on how we can work together with our partners to have the greatest impact in every ward.

“From Police, Fire and Rescue, Ambulance service, working with local businesses and community groups, we will all work together to tackle issues that residents tell us are important to them in their area.

“This could be litter or fly-tipping, issues with off-road bikes, or promoting access to health checks.

“Each Our Town visit will be different, with provision and support tailored to what that area needs, so we can have the most positive impact, and deliver real improvements.”

One of the activities will be a lifesaving training session available to members of the public providing them with the vital skills that are required in the case of a sudden cardiac arrest.

This will be given in partnership with North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust (NWAS).

NWAS community resuscitation and engagement officer, Fiona Larkin, added: "We’re pleased to be part of this initiative, working together with our partners to deliver activities to make residents in Wigan Borough safer. 

“For every minute that someone’s in cardiac arrest without receiving CPR and having a defibrillator used on them, their chance of survival decreases by 10%.

“This is why it’s vitally important that people in the community who witness a cardiac arrest start lifesaving CPR and defibrillation in the crucial minutes before an ambulance crew arrives - it can make the difference between life and death - and we’re really pleased to be able to provide this lifesaving training to our community.”

Leigh Journal: The council has organised 'Our Town' awards to celebrate local heroes who improve our communitiesThe council has organised 'Our Town' awards to celebrate local heroes who improve our communities (Image: Wigan Council)
Coun Molyneux, added: “Our Town is about so much more than clearing, cleaning and tidying.

“Wigan Borough has so many incredible places and we know the pride that people here have in where they come from.

“By working with our communities we want to bring everyone along with us and empower people to take action to be proud of their town.”

Find out more about the Our Town project, and when waste amnesties will take place in each ward at www.wigan.gov.uk/ourtown.