FANCY getting fit in 2018?

Struggling to fit a work out into your daily routine?

British and national wrestling champion and owner of Right Path Fitness  Keith Mcniven has come up with some tips for exercising on the go including during the school run.

He added: “Exercising is an important part of our daily routine, contributing to a healthy body and mind.

"It can be a challenge to get to the gym or an exercise class, particularly if you’re juggling looking after the kids and work commitments.

"Making time for short exercises throughout the day keeps you active and looking great.”


While you battle rush hour traffic, why not take advantage of those extra few minutes? Glute squeezes can be done sitting in the car on the bus or whilst you’re walking.

HOW TO DO IT: While sitting, all you have to do is squeeze your gluteus muscles together.

Quick, simple and no one will know you’re doing it. This exercise is great for strengthening your glutes and activating unused muscles. Aim to repeat this 15-25 times in a row and several times during the day.


If you usually walk the kids to school, make it a fun activity for everyone by challenging yourselves to jog instead of walk. Walking is great for cardiovascular health, but jogging is even better. If you can fit in a short sprint too, you’ll be improving your stamina.

HOW TO DO IT: Get the kids involved and make it fun.

Exercising with others always makes it easier and there’s no excuse to skip it – the school run has to be done. Make sure you have suitable trainers to keep your feet supported and aim to be quicker each time.

Add in fun challenges like racing each other to the next lamp post or tree.


Walking on its own will increase your fitness level over time, but if your route is the same every day, you can add in a few walking lunges to make it more interesting.

This is another one that’s great for the kids to join in.

HOW TO DO IT: As you’re already walking, you’ll be in the perfect position. Starting with a good posture and making sure your feet are together, take a big step forward with one leg. Drop into a deep lunge, bending both knees and without allowing your front knee to reach over your toes.

Keep your back straight and keep your balance.

Step your back foot forward, bringing your legs together. Repeat on the other side as you walk.


If you’re not quite ready for jogging yet, power walking could be the answer.

The ideal exercise for working every part of your body – strengthening your muscles and improving your posture.

If you’re often running late dropping the kids off, it won’t even feel like exercise.

HOW TO DO IT: Probably one of the easiest exercises to master, once you’ve decided the pace that suits you, it’s all about coordinating the arms.

Banish the bingo wings by swinging your arms briskly, raising them as high as you can to work the biceps and triceps.

The control required to keep the pace will automatically strengthen your core, waking up those tummy muscles and lifting your bum.


Those dreaded four words remind us all of warm-up exercises at school, but they don’t have to.

Jogging on the spot is a really simple way to keep your heart pumping and your body moving, promoting good circulation.

Do this as you’re waiting at the school gates – the kids will just think you’re excited to see them.

HOW TO DO IT: This exercise doesn’t need much explanation – just go at your own pace, but make sure you’re moving fast enough to get your heart rate up.

Cardiovascular exercises encourage fat burn and keep your heart healthy.

As time goes on, you’ll be able to jog continuously without getting out of breath, improving your fitness level. If you want a more challenging option, lift your feet up higher and bring your knees as close to your chest as possible. This version may be more difficult to do discreetly, however.