A HIGH school is teaming up with Leigh Local Studies to produce an exhibition for this year's Armistice Day on November 11 which will mark 100 years since the end of the First World War.

The project, which students from The Westleigh School are taking part in, will be displayed at Leigh Library and will centre on the life of a soldier from the town who fought in The Great War, Reuben Davies.

It will feature students' contributions about the First World War and the centrepiece will be a mosaic of Reuben made up of individual pictures of people from Leigh.

An open evening has been organised at the Westleigh Lane school at 6pm today, Thursday, in which visitors can get involved in the exhibition.

Enrichment manager at The Westleigh School Miss Wilcockson said: “We decided to commemorate Reuben Davies because he was born locally in Westleigh and went on to be awarded the DCM (Distinguished Conduct Medal) for his actions in the war.

"Like many other people involved in the war effort, he’s a great example to our students of what ordinary people can achieve.

“We decided to use our Open Day on 20th September as an opportunity to involve our visitors in the community art project.

"Our students will be asking permission to take photos of visitors throughout the evening.

"Reuben Davies and many others like him were willing to sacrifice themselves in the belief that they were protecting the future of our nation.

"This is our way of showing that the people of our community have not forgotten what they did for us.”