Four local schools will have their commitment to supporting children with dyslexia officially recognised at a ceremony in Golborne tomorrow.

Bickershaw and Westleigh Methodists primary schools, and the SEN/Inclusion departments at Byrchall and Cansfield high schools have achieved Wigan Council’s ‘Dyslexia Friendly School’ Award.

To achieve the award the schools had to demonstrate that they provide appropriate teaching methods and learning resources, including for instance the use of coloured paper or overlays.

Wigan Council has been working with schools to further improve support for children who have dyslexic differences, providing specialist training to more than 70 schools – 21 of whom are also currently working towards the award.

Presenting the awards is Cllr Susan Loudon, Cabinet Champion for Children & Young People. She says: "It’s essential that schools recognise that dyslexia is a common condition, offer support to all of their pupils and give them a positive learning experience.

“Dyslexia friendly practice is good practice for all schools and pupils alike, because it can improve teaching effectiveness as well as enhancing children’s learning experiences and bringing out the best in them.”

Wigan Council itself was recently awarded the British Dyslexia Association’s ‘Quality Mark’ in recognition of its long-standing support to dyslexic pupils and its adoption of the Dyslexia Friendly Schools scheme.