I VISIT the Hub at Woolston and the one at Orford (Warrington) and I am very impressed with them both.

Both are small towns within the Warrington borough but both with wonderful complexes.

Each venue has amalgamated amenities under one roof, these include doctors/ health care facilities, libraries and leisure suites along with a café (Orford) and training suites, they also provide for young children and adults with disabilities.

They are very refreshing and comfortable to visit – places where all the community can visit and socialise.

Seeing that Howe Bridge is such an inspiring community and a credit to Atherton what a valuable venue transformation and a good way to develop economically this would be.

Worth considering don’t you think?

Why don’t local councillors pay these venues a visit before spending rate payers money without thinking. Please consider all the community and make Howe Bridge Centre accessible for all.

Come on Wigan let the light shine on the suburbs and let the suburbs grow.

Thank you.

Sharon Grundy