HAS Wigan Council gone into hibernation or is it simply ignorant to the people of Leigh?

I put a letter in the press on October 8 asking the council to inform the people of Leigh about the wildlife and flora survey done on the land at the rear of Norley Road.

There has been no response from the council.

I ask again for the council to do the decent thing and put the survey out into the open.

The land hosts an abundance of grasses, flowers, wildlife and trees, including oak trees, which is regenerating year-on-year and is the most valuable tree for wildlife.

If the land is left to nature it would become an oak woodland.

Covering land with tarmac and buildings increases the risk of flooding.

There have been two classic examples of this with the recent floods on Slag Lane and Johnson Close.

I say that the arrogant and disgusting attitude the council has with the intended destruction of open spaces and wildlife leaves a lot to be desired.

Thank you Wigan Council for taking the quality of life from the people of Leigh.

M Atherton

Norley Road


Mike Worden, assistant director for transport and planning at the council, said: “We currently have a residential application for land adjacent to the canal which is supported by an environmental statement.

“The application is made in outline with all matters reserved, except for access.

“This is in the public domain on the council’s website under planning reference A/16/82492 and has been subject to pre-application community meetings held by the council and the Canal and River Trust.

“As a formal application this has been subject to extensive publicity.

including in the Leigh Journal, as well as individual letters and site and press notices.

“The environmental statement includes a section on ecology and nature conservation and also flood risk.

“The application has not yet been determined and so residents can still make comments on the proposals.”