MY home, along with some of my neighbours’ homes on Hamilton Street in Atherton, have been battered by the vibrations caused by vehicles over the past two years.

The problem is getting worse as lorries travelling about 40mph hit the traffic calming ramps in the street, sometimes as early as 4am.

My whole house vibrates and I have been woken up almost every night.

It is battered at least 20 times a day.

My roof is now leaking and vibrations have caused one of my stone bollards at the front wall to loosen, and thieves have taken it during the night.

I have contacted Stewart Dawber, the road safety engineer at Wigan Council, on numerous occasions about the problem.

My neighbours have also contacted him.

Plaster cracks have appeared in my neighbours’ walls.

I have asked for devices to measure the vibrations and Mr Dawber has mentioned that I should finance the project myself.

My neighbours are considering not paying their council tax.

Peter Jackson

Hamilton Street
