MANY of us out shopping will reach for something extra to donate to a food bank.

Have you ever thought about donating, or been asked to donate, sanitary products?

I have just read a story online entitled Girls Too Poor To Buy Tampons.

Families just about managing, or relying on visits to a food bank, find their finances stretched to the limit. Some of those with daughters at school cannot buy them tampons or sanitary towels.

Girls are putting socks or tissues inside their underwear.

Some have days off school each month because of embarrassment.

This not only affects their education and social life but also gives them a feeling of low selfesteem.

Some teachers are buying the products for the girls, others are turning to charities like Freedom4girls, who supply sanitary products to girls and adults in Africa.

Food banks run by The Trussell Trust will accept tampons and sanitary towels.

Bernard Powell
