I SEE our hymn singing Prime Minister is at it again.

No wonder the Tories are ready with their long knives. Her latest faux pas, days after the tragedy of the London tower block fire, saw her decide to visit the scene.

Theresa May’s visit was promptly met with adverse publicity against her, her ministers and the local governing Tory party.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was there immediately and was seen hugging the grief stricken.

I do not believe this was for the cameras but a genuine expression of love and sympathy.

On her brief visit the Prime Minister only spoke to the officers, not to those actually affected. 

This question was asked by television personality and former Conservative minister Michael Portillo, who described her visit and comment as inhumane.

In a previous letter in the Journal I asked that Mrs May resign.

I ask her to resign once more and I think millions of people, including Tory friends of mine, would join me in doing so.

Frank Parkinson

Birch Street
