PLANS have been submitted to build 212 homes as part of a large development.

Homebuilder Countryside took over the North Leigh Park site last year, where around 1,700 homes are set to be constructed on 175 acres of land north of Nel Pan Lane.

Now designs have been issued to Wigan Council to build 212 homes on a 39.8-acre site off Nel Pan Lane.

There are a mix of two and four bedroom homes and a three-storey apartment block in the reserved matters application.

Leigh Journal:

The land off Nel Pan Lane where the homes would be built. Picture: Wigan Council planning portal

The site is comprised of unmaintained grassland, two ponds and a ditch running down the east of its boundary.

The developer would incorporate the existing ponds and brook in the scheme as well as another pond.

The proposals follows the amendment of a condition to the North Leigh Park development on April 8.

It now states the the maximum number of homes that can be built from the Nel Pan Lane junction of the site is 213 unless a link road is built between Leigh Road and Westleigh Lane, as per the scheme's masterplan.

This would also include creating a connection to the Nel Pan Lane junction too.

A neighbourhood consultation is in place until Monday, May 20 with a decision on the application set to be made on July 25.