MILLIONS will tomorrow go to the polls to vote in the election that Britain was never meant to be a part of.

But some will find it difficult to have their say in the European elections, as it has been revealed that their polling station is nearly an hour walk away.

Hindon resident John Akeroyd contacted the Journal, after finding out his nearest voting venue is in East Knoyle.

To many, this may not seem like a huge inconvenience, as by road it is only six minutes away.

However, for those like Dr Akeroyd who do not own a car – or may even have a disability, that three mile distance turns into a near-two hour round trip, with many needing to ask for help just to vote.

He adds that whilst getting the Hindon to Shaftesbury bus is an option, voters will have to wait in the village for an hour and a half before the bus is back to take them home.

“With no polling station in Hindon for the European election, insisting voters go to East Knoyle instead is not merely inconvenient but, much worse, effectively disenfranchises those without cars, notably the elderly and disabled," said Dr Akeroyd.

"This seems to me to be poor thinking by a local government that claims to serve our communities!”

Dr Akeroyd adds that, fortunately, he has a friend who is willing to drive him to the vote, but there may be many people who are not as lucky.

Carlton Brand, Wiltshire’s Returning Officer, said: “Given the very short notice we had to put on the election we have faced some logistical challenges, including ensuring polling stations are available for everyone to cast their vote.

"I apologise to anyone who is inconvenienced by perhaps having to travel a little further than they would like to vote, but we have done our very best given the circumstances.”

As reported, voters across the region will help the continent elect 751 new Members of the European Parliament (MEPs).

Those who are selected will serve a five year term - and those in Britain could be out of a job within weeks, in theory at least.

The results will start being announced from 10pm on Sunday with exit polls in some countries expected at about the same time.