PEOPLE across the country demand that the Prime Minister (PM) respects democracy and take us out of the EU.

By happy coincidence, the PM ensured that the 2019 Conservative Conference slogan was “Get Brexit done”.

Just as there are national calls to respect democracy, those voices are equally as powerful locally, urging all MPs to back Boris’s new deal, and I will.

While the Liberal Democrats are opposing Boris Johnson, Labour are confusing themselves as much as the country with their “we’re doing everything to remain but we can’t quite admit it to the country” approach.

It must be so frustrating for people to see their Labour MPs and ask them about respecting democracy, only to hear that they will negotiate a new deal from scratch only to vote against it under a Jeremy Corbyn premiership.

I wonder if, at the coming General Election, Labour MPs and candidates will be pottering around their constituencies saying “vote for me locally but don’t worry Jeremy will never become Prime Minister”.

They did this last time and he came within 20,000 votes of being PM.

Considering the state Parliament is in, it must have been a little odd that when there was a vote on having a General Election, Labour made sure Boris remained PM.

Nationally, politics is a little strange and we do not yet know if our Parliament will unite behind the PM’s new deal to take us out of the EU.

There are politicians who do look like they will be backing Boris’ Brexit deal and he deserves all of the support that they can give to him.

Locally, we have different but still immensely important concerns that we have to get right.

One of the biggest is over the future of Hulton Park where there are plans for a new golf course and over a thousand new houses.

We have seen, in recent years, the huge levels of house building but, at the same time, neglect from our local councils on providing essential improvements to local infrastructure, from school places to medical facilities.

The lack of local investment from our councils, over a period of decades, is especially clear when it comes to the congestion caused by the lack of transport improvements.

The Greater Manchester Spatial Framework was supposed to be a vision for development where housing was married to infrastructure improvements, but it has been delayed yet again.

What reason could the mayor have for delaying the GMSF publication until after the mayoral elections next year?

On a more uplifting note, after I spoke against the building over of the Hulton Park green belt at the planning inquiry, a whole series of superb community champions gave compelling reasons on why the park should be preserved for future generations.

One of the greatest contributions was from Dr Paul Richardson from the Leigh Ornithological Society.

He sent a powerful message that we must protect our local area because we need to preserve the wonderful habitats and wildlife – once it has gone, it is not coming back.

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