LOOKS like the weather is going to be fairly mild for this time of year tomorrow and could be perfect for a spot of lockdown fishing.

It's one of the very few recreational activities or grassroots sports still allowed in England during this November lockdown forced by the continuing coronavirus pandemic.

Make sure you are fully aware of all the restrictions and guidance surrounding angling if you are planning to go for a session.

> What anglers can and can't do during the November lockdown

We would love to hear from you about your lockdown fishing experiences, where you went, if you managed to catch, any wildlife you spotted.

We know it's tougher to catch fish in the winter than in the summer, so any catch - big or small - is a success in our view.

Include some pictures too, perhaps like some of the examples below contributed by readers this year.

Scroll down to the bottom to see how to share your details and pictures with us.

Leigh Journal:

Leigh Journal:

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