A man who recorded a schoolgirl playing in the garden for his own pleasure was brought before the court for a breach of two orders.

Hindley man Daniel Aldred received a restraining order and a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) around four years ago.

At Bolton Crown Court last week prosecutor Claire Brocklebank said the reason for the two orders was a conviction for voyeurism which he received after he recorded a schoolgirl playing in a garden for his own pleasure.

Ms Brocklebank said he took four videos of the girl, who was of primary school age, and in some cases performed a sexual act on himself at the same time.

Aldred, 31, of Frederick Street, breached the restraining order on multiple occasions between November 6 of last year and March 18 of this year by attending an address close to the address of the victim.

But the court heard he had not gone to the address because of its closeness to the girl. 

Then he breached the SHPO on multiple occasions by failing to provide police with access to his phone and its internet history.

Referring to one of these occasions, Ms Brocklebank said: "He said it didn't have a PIN and it was opened with his fingerprints. 

"After police said they had his fingerprints and it would be opened he told them his PIN and he accepted he lied to police." 

The Honorary Recorder of Bolton Judge Martin Walsh said a suspended sentence was appropriate for the breaches, which the accused admitted before the magistrates last month.

Addressing Aldred via a video link, Judge Walsh said: "The purpose of the order was to provide protection to the public. 

"You've spent some time in custody so you know the consequences of failing to comply with a suspended sentence. The public interest is best served by a suspended sentence."

James Preece, defending, accepted this would be the best way of dealing with Aldred.

The defendant was sentenced to 12 months in prison, suspended for two years.

He was also ordered to participate in a sexual offender behaviour programme.

This article was written by Jack Tooth. To contact him, email jack.tooth@newsquest.co.uk or follow @JTRTooth on Twitter.