MORE video footage has been released in the trial of two teenagers accused of murdering Brianna Ghey.

The jury was yesterday, Wednesday, shown doorbell footage of the 16-year-old schoolgirl leaving her Birchwood home on the day of her death.

She was stabbed 28 times with a hunting knife in Culcheth Linear Park on February 11 this year.

The jury was also shown footage of Brianna boarding a bus from Birchwood railway station to Culcheth on that day.

This has now been released, having been approved by her family, Cheshire Police and the CPS now that it has been seen by jurors.

A girl, from Warrington, and a boy, from Leigh, both now aged 16, identified only as X and Y respectively, are on trial at Manchester Crown Court accused of Brianna’s murder.

Both have pleaded not guilty and blame each other for the killing, the jury has heard. Neither defendant can be named because of their ages.

During today’s proceedings, Thursday, the jury heard a harrowing 999 call from the dog walker who came across Brianna’s body.

The jury was then shown a police video interview with the dog walker, filmed the day after Brianna’s death.

She said she and her husband had been with their two dogs in Culcheth Linear Park when she saw a male and a female, the jury heard.

She said: “When I first saw them I thought they were walking towards me, but when I looked up he was stooping, and I thought he’s putting a dog on the lead.”

Leigh Journal: Brianna Ghey after boarding the busBrianna Ghey after boarding the bus (Image: Cheshire Police)

She said she later realised he had been standing “over the body” and told police the two crossed the path and went into a farmer’s field.

She said: “At first they appeared to be walking then they started to run, but it wasn’t a sprint, more of a lollop.

“It was just so suspicious. They obviously saw us and felt they had to go because their pace definitely quickened up when they saw us.”

She said she did not see the male’s face but the female made eye contact with her, and then she said she saw Brianna’s body.

She said her shirt was soaked in blood and she looked “like a rag doll”. She told police she then rang 999 and told them there had been a serious attack.

She added: “I can’t say she was dead for sure. I felt she was dead and I just felt very, very frightened and just thought if there’s any chance of help for this poor girl we need to get onto the police straight away.”

In his police interview, which was also played to the jury, her husband described seeing a couple walking in a field to their right at quite a fast pace.

He described them as “furtive” and “hurried” and said he made eye contact with the male, but it was interrupted because he partially covered his face with a hood.

He added: “I was aware that they had clocked us. It almost made them sort of pace in their speed, so they reacted to seeing us in that suspicious way.”

He said after seeing the two he thought “what are we going to find”, before seeing Brianna on the path.

Leigh Journal: Doorbell footage captures Brianna leaving her home on the day of her deathDoorbell footage captures Brianna leaving her home on the day of her death (Image: Cheshire Police)

The dog walker told police he thought he saw Brianna’s chest move and added: “I bent down to try to see signs of life and obviously to speak to her to say ‘hang in, we’re phoning the police’.”

PC Andrew Chadwick told the jury he was on patrol in a vehicle when he was dispatched to the park after Cheshire Police received a 999 call.

He ran through the park to the scene and said he located Brianna with multiple wounds to her head, neck, body and back. She was bleeding heavily with her clothing soaked in blood, the trial heard.

He could not detect a pulse but cut away her clothing and began chest compressions.

Paramedics arrived five minutes later and took over while PC Chadwick helped guide in an air ambulance to land in the field next to the park.

However, Brianna was pronounced dead at 4.02pm.

The trial continues.

Cheshire Police and the Crown Prosecution Service remind everyone that criminal proceedings against both defendants are active, and that they have the right to a fair trial.

It is extremely important that there should be no commenting or sharing of information or speculation which could in any way prejudice these proceedings.

Due to their age, reporting restrictions are in place for both defendants, entitling them to anonymity, as well as other children involved in the evidence.