THREE cannabis farms were discovered in Leigh this morning, after warrants were executed by GMP’s Leigh Neighbourhood team.

Acting on intelligence gathered within the community, officers made the early morning visits to Gordon Street and Thirlmere Street.

Leigh Journal: Cannabis farm found in Leigh

In each address, a fully functioning cannabis farm was discovered, with a total haul of approximately 142 plants.

Once at the address in Gordon Street, officers received a further-tip off that an adjacent property may have been involved – with the extra search discovering an extra cannabis farm.

No arrests were made during the raids, but significant intelligence was gathered as officers continue their fight against criminality.

Leigh Journal: Cannabis farm found in Leigh

Leigh’s local neighbourhood team are committed to tackling drugs supply in the community, along with the strands that can be produced from it: ASB, theft, abuse, and addiction.

Sergeant Shane Prescott, from GMP’s Leigh Neighbourhood Team said: “We work very closely with various teams within the force, in order to ensure that the people of Leigh are receiving the best service possible in the fight against crime.

“What many people don’t see is the harm that drugs cause – the fights between criminals, the unsafe products used, and the addictions that can start. We will ensure we robustly deal with the people who put drugs into our communities.

Leigh Journal: Pictures taken at warrantPictures taken at warrant (Image: Pictures taken at warrant)

“We’ve seized nearly 150 plants today and I am satisfied with the result. If anyone has any problems in Leigh, please do get in touch with us. You can also report information online at, by calling 101, or via the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.”