THOUSANDS of people across Scotland will be looking to attend Murrayfield this summer as huge names in sports and music come to the venue in the coming weeks.

However, it is easy to get caught out by showing up to an event with an item not permitted on the grounds.

To make sure your night is not ruined and you get into Murrayfield without any issues, here is everything you need to know.

What items are banned from Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh?

According to the Scottish Rugby website, there are a number of items that are banned from Murrayfield in Edinburgh.

Customers will not be permitted to bring the following items into the Scottish venue:

  • Bags larger than A4 size (unless required for medical or childcare purposes)
  • Alcohol of any kind (customers must dispose of this at bins provided at the entry points)
  • Cans, opened bottles and any kind of glass or metal container
  • Sealed plastic soft drinks or water bottles larger than 500ml
  • Fireworks, flares, smoke bombs and any kind of Pyrotechnic items (procession of these may constitute a criminal offence with those found with these being referred to police)

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  • Knives, weapons and other hazardous items
  • Banners or flags with slogans which are offensive, abusive, racist, homophobic or of a discriminatory nature
  • Animals (except for guide dogs)
  • Gold or large umbrellas
  • Cameras that do not fit comfortably into pockets or handbags 
  • Tripods, selfie sticks and iPads
  • Other items deemed to pose a risk of injury and annoyance

It should be noted that Murrayfield does NOT have bag drop-off facilities, so customers will be required to take offending items and deposit them in a safe place before entering the stadium.