A HUMAN rights group has won an award for their outstanding commitment to bringing communities together.

Launched by Farai Nhakaniso and Tabeth Mabiza, the Everything Human Rights Community Group was launched to bridge the gap between ethnic minority groups and the wider community.

Offer services to promote wellbeing, integration, and social cohesion, the group has helped individuals to develop language and employability skills, assisted children with homework activities, and generally raised awareness about the experience of ethnic minority communities.

Based in Leigh and Tyldesley, but supporting people across the borough, the community group has also provided residents with the opportunities to get involved in arts, dance, sports, and culture projects.

The group also collaborates with other organisations and charities such as The Brick, Leigh Youth Hub, Complete Kindness and Pride in Leigh. 

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Leigh Journal: The group was recognised for its 'outstanding contribution' in bringing communities togetherThe group was recognised for its 'outstanding contribution' in bringing communities together (Image: Everything Human Rights)
Previously standing as a Labour candidate for Tyldesley and Mosley Common, Farai has become known for his hard work and diligent care to support children and families in this ward.

It is estimated that he and Tabeth have provided hundreds of families with support, love, and the means to integrate into society.

Following Farai and Tabeth's persistent work for people in the community, they were recognised at the 'We Stand Together' awards in late May.

Launched in 2017 following the Manchester Arena terror attacks, the ceremony looks to tackle issues surrounding social division and shine a light on those working towards inclusivity.

Everything Human Rights was recognised for its "outstanding contribution and commitment in bringing communities together."

Following the award win, Labour councillor for Tyldesley and Mosley Common, Jess Eastoe, said: We are extremely proud that Farai and Tabeth have been recognised for their contributions to the borough and region of Greater Manchester.

"They are a credit to Leigh and Tyldesley."