I WOULD like to respond to the letter published in last week’s Journal in which Harry White stated that Wigan Council is ‘hell-bent on closing Atherton Library’.

The council is fully committed to library provision throughout the borough and Atherton is no different.

Any changes to libraries will be undertaken following public consultation, as is the statutory requirement.

The council has no plans to remove library provision from Atherton and has no intention to remove ‘traditional library services’ with books on shelves.

The council will look to enhance service provision wherever possible and our communities will play a key part in this.

Any public consultation will shape the library offer in Atherton, as it will throughout the borough.

As part of the Deal for the Future our aspiration is to have joined up services at the heart of communities.

A vibrant library and cultural offer is a central part of this.

More information can be found about the Deal for the Future on the council’s website.

Lesley O’Halloran

Assistant director for customer services

Wigan Council