I WOULD like to congratulate the organisers of this year’s Atherton Carnival.

It was very well organised and no doubt those who attended enjoyed the day tremendously.

The stalls, staffed in the main by volunteers, seemed to be doing brisk trade, which was good to see as all the money raised helps various charity, school and community groups.

The only negative element I observed on the day was the fact that the fairground hook-a-duck stall was charging £3 per go, which is a bit on the costly side in my opinion.

Many parents have two or three children and the cost of giving each a turn soon mounts up.

I feel that £2 would have been a more realistic and acceptable charge for the prizes that were available.

A huge well done to all however and I look forward to next year’s event, as I am sure the residents and visitors of Atherton and surrounding areas do.

Cllr John Harding

Atherleigh Ward