PRANKSTERS have revealed a picture of a sinister-looking clown that has been scaring residents on social media is a fake.

The ‘Clown of Pennington Flash’ photograph posted on the Leigh Celebs Facebook page went viral, being shared 1,113 times and attracting 1,190 comments.

Following a craze started in America and now being embraced in towns and cities all over the UK in which tricksters dress up as evil-looking clowns to scare passers-by, the picture left many residents worried it had reared its head in Leigh.

Some even said they would refuse to go near Pennington Flash Country Park.

The Leigh Celebs hoaxers have apologised to those who were duped and scared by the photograph.

A spokesman said: “After a photograph of a clown went viral earlier this week, we have a slight confession to make – there never was a 'Clown of Pennington Flash'.

“Trust me, I am the one who edited the photo.

“We would like to wholeheartedly apologise to all the people who have seen or heard of the photo, believing it to be real and being scared.

“In the lead up to Halloween we sat down and thought of content ideas for Halloween, which led us to try to start a rumour of a clown roaming popular hotspots around Leigh.

"It seems to have worked, all too well.

“Fearmongering and truly scaring people was never our intention.

“We were planning to reveal it is fake on Halloween, but given the astonishing rate at which it has taken off we did not think we should wait.

“Facebook has been inundated with posts and comments of people saying they have been out looking for the mysterious looking clown around Leigh.

“People have even gone as far as to say they refuse to go to Pennington Flash after the photo started to make its way around the internet.

“We will still be posting Halloween-related content throughout October, so keep your eyes peeled.

“But now at least you can sleep easy at night knowing there is no clown roaming Pennington Flash."

Leigh Celebs is run by The Viralwall Media Group, which also has a Wigan Celebs page on Facebook.