THIS wonderful photograph showing coal miners during the last ever shift at Astley Green Colliery which we featured last month certainly generated a response from readers.

Journal readers who recognised faces in the picture or who had relatives who worked at Astley Green gave their feedback on our social media pages after seeing the photo.

Denise Lilley said: "My uncle Jimmy on here, all smiling but it was a sad day for the industry."

David Webb wrote: "My Dad, Richard (Dicky) Webb in the middle with the pick". He added that the picture was taken on September 3, 1970.

Other readers also shared comments upon seeing the photo.

"Such camaraderie, all would have been sad to see it finish," wrote Glenis Wood.

Janet Taylor added: "The end of an extraordinary era!"

Another said: "My deceased dad, George Wolfendale worked there, then transferred to Agecroft."

n Do you have an old photographs you would like to share with us that you think would fit well on this page? If you do, please email it to with your name, what the image shows and what year it was taken.

View pictures from the Wigan and Leigh Archives and Local Studies collection which features photographs visit