ARE Britain and our MPs about to become extinct?

Our nation is in Europe and always will be, however as a nation it needs to be saved by leaving this EU.

I do sincerely believe all is at risk.

I love my country, as did my mother, father, grandmother and grandfather etc.

This ongoing, subtle, year-on-year creeping takeover by the EU is proving to be far more effective than any open warfare.

The EU heavily relies on the population’s well-known political apathy to continue gaining power bit by bit. It does it this way so we don’t notice how much power it is taking from us until it is too late.

Due to this ever present apathy, and the population being far more interested in other things, it is likely to succeed in taking over.

We will be ruled by a central European government that will be selected but not elected. It will also be non-accountable and we will not be able to dismiss it.

Elections where the public cast their vote will become a thing of the past.

Everything this country has brought about over hundreds of years regarding the running of a nation – including, of course, our legal system – will be thrown out.

MPs who decide to promote and vote to stay in the EU are in fact campaigning for their own extinction.

I believe that all members of the public who vote likewise will be in fact voting to end our nation.

I intend voting to leave as I wish our nation to remain.

David W Hull, address supplied