CAN Lord Peter Smith explain what has been done with the money gained from overpayments in council parking charges for the year 2015-16?

The amount is more than £4,000, known thanks to the Freedom of Information Act.

This money is given to the council by people who for whatever reason did not have the correct change when paying for the privilege of parking on council-owned land.

Why Sir Peter does this money not appear in the council’s year end accounts?

In my opinion it should do.

Furthermore as it is given to the council for nothing I think it should go to a charity at the end of the year, not to the council.

It may not sound like a lot but if you multiply the £4,000-plus per year by the number of years the council has been charging people for parking it will come to an extraordinary amount of money.

And because it is not declared in the accounts, who knows where it is going.

Stephen Kane